Rescue Me is a project about families that have rescued dogs. The intent of the project is to explore the benefits of rescuing. I visit the homes of the people that have adopted dogs, and I capture a glimpse of the lives of both them and their dogs in their environments. The project reflects a true representation of my time with these families.
As a child I was a little scared of dogs, and before I got my own dog I had none or little knowledge about them really and so when it came to choosing a dog it made the idea of rescuing one a scary option. I’m embarrassed to say that I had the typical misconceptions that dogs that were in shelters were all going to have behavioural problems, and possible aggression issues and I just didn’t feel like I was up for the job. I was much more comfortable with the idea of nurturing a dog from a puppy. In my opinion, I couldn’t have been more wrong. In my experience dogs in shelters are no different to any other dog, they have just had a less fortunate life than others and if anything, are more loving and grateful, and during this project I have seen this first hand. I hope I can use my work as a tool to get these messages across because the more knowledge that can be put out there, the more chance these dogs have of getting a second chance.
As part of the project I record the conversations I have with them to capture the often moving stories of the previous lives of these dogs. (You will need Adobe Flash Player to listen to their stories).
I would like to thank the families that shared their stories and welcomed me into their homes. Thanks to Nick and Sam, Helen and Chris, Kate and Adam, Jessica and Faisal and their daughter Sofia, Fiona and Phil and their children Scarlet and Sonny, Adam and Sarah, and Alex and Di.
I’d like to say a special thank you to Louise Glazebrook, from The Darling Dog Company for introducing me to the families.
In the Press: Four&Sons, Styletails and BiscuitSpace.